Monday, February 25, 2013

The move

Time flys so fast lately I can't beleave it. Went to look at the barn a little closer and decided to take the stall. No field to ride in but it's not forever. There are 2 mares there one is something like 30 years old. The lady that owns her is a talker. Moved Chiclet yesterday. Not sure why I always try and pack so much stuff in one day. Worked in the morning then tried to make my husband feel needed, then went to pick up Chiclet. But I had to pack 12 bales of hay tack truck take down screw eyes and electric tape and box. Buckets play balls and all the other crap you need to take care of a horse. There was just enough room in the trailer for Chic.

The first night was interesting. He has a door out the back of the barn to his turnout. I was thinking that it was a little flimsy and wondered if it was going to keep Chic in. I was right got there this morning and he was out in his turnout. I had to go make it stronger this afternoon.

Got to play in the ring a bit. The ring is really small. Played online boy was he fresh! A little liberty even more fresh. Firtst time ever he kicked out at me in the change of direction. He knew it was bad he turned and looked at me like ooppss sorry. I laughed at him and he trotted to me. He jumped over a barrel just for a cookie. Love him! His mind was in such a good place when we finished.

Friday, February 1, 2013

It been a while

It's been way to long since I last updated my blog. Sorry! October and November was a really hard time for me. My horse has very lame in his heel and the feeling of my horse not ever able to do anything other then just be was killing me.  Luck for me and him he just bruised his coffin bone and needed time to rest. 

My mentor Don Jessop was in town to do a clinic. Chiclet and I made the trek in freezing cold weather for 2 days of lessons. It was the best rides so far with Chiclet. Introduced the flying chinge riding. Oh what fun! That was day one. Day 2 more flying change. Canter.... walk shoulder in haunches in....canter....NO TROTTING! It's just a slow break down of flying change at the walk. Move the shoulders over so the hind end can have room to change. Loved it! A first for both of us. We did some natural jumping. We jumped a triple.....we have never jumped a triple. It was the best. Trotted it a few time then canter soooo much fun and who would have known 
Chiclet loved it too. 

On an other note my life has been consumed with driving and work and other peoples needs. Just taking care of Chiclet is starting to be a job and I hate that because I love taking care of him. Everyone at the barn is so demanding I just want to be with my pony. Tomorrow I'm going to look at a barn that is a little closer to my house. It sounds like a good deal just hopping there is a field to ride in. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Life is good

Wow what a great ride a had! Chicles feet feel good. He was forward happy and very much with me. I couldn't wait to get on and ride. Did a mini dressage test with leg yields and everything. I had such a awesome ride! Love that horse!

Monday, August 27, 2012

New shoes

Today was fun dogs, kids, horse.... Got to the barn early to ride before Pete my farrier got there. I wanted to ride before the new shoes. Played online just a few mins then got on to ride boy was Chicle full of it. Glad I rode he lost his shoe while I was riding good thing Pete was coming. The glue on shoes took 2 hours to put on. They look great had to keep Chic in his stall for a few hours after so the glue would set. I went back this afternoon to let him back out a bit he was looking at me like why am I in my stall?! Ran around a bit in the ring and seemed to feel good....I'm hopping the new shoes help.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Finally we are getting a break from the heat. It's been cool at night and not to bad during the day. Get a chance to play and ride was awesome! Zone 5 driving with tossing the rope over his back for change of direction that went really well! Chicle followed my feel about 90% of the time. The one time he didn't follow my feel he just keeped going straight so I just went with it until we got to the end of the ring and i got him right back with me. Riding was great canter freestyle if going so good. He picks it up so easy now I love it. Turn on the forehand and turn on the hind end without reins is still a little punky in some ways. Chicle keeps trying to take over and after doing it once he thinks he should do it again without me asking. Probably wants to get another cookie.

Going to try something new with Chicles hoofs. Next time he gets new shoes we are going to put the sigafoo glue on shoes. I'm hopping it will be next week. My hope is that without the nail holes his hoofs will grow in better then maybe we have a stronger hoofs. My farrier said something about trying barefoot but I have to admit that makes me very nervous. I'm not going to be closed minded to it though. I'm willing to try anything as long as my horse is not lame. I know him so well and when his feet arnt feeling good he's not a happy boy. Everything goes down hill when his feel hurt.

On another note a friend gave me a 2 month supply of rapid flex supplement. It's Glucosamine HCI, Chondroitin Sulfate and Hyaluronic Acid, as well as a blend of natural herbs. I have to say Chicle is feeling so good being on it. It's been about a month and a half now and that stuff is great!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


My friend Sarah made this slideshow of me and Chiclet of the past 2 years of photos she had taken of us.